In this day and age there is a lot of talk about fireproofing. However, how many people actually know what fireproofing is, or how it is done? First of all, you have to understand that fireproofing is very needed today. Fireproofing something means that you are taking passive fire protection measures to protect a building […]

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Public safety is something that everyone is paying close attention to. After all, people always say that safety comes first. However, what is one thing that people do not think a lot about, but it saves the most lives? Well that one thing would be flameproofing buildings and different objects in the home and business […]

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Flameproofing is mandated by the FDNY, the Building Department, Health Department and Insurance Carriers. However, the most important reason is to reduce the threat to life and property in case of fire and to prevent the spread of fire if one occurs. read more | digg story

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Whenever you go to stay at a hotel, there are a few forces at work that you may not even know about that are helping to keep you safe. That is because most hotels have all their rooms and whole building fireproofed. This is because fireproofing is an important part in hotel safety. Hotels want […]

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We know just how important your building is to you and your business. It is the hub for all of your important decisions, the base for your employees and clients, and where all of your important business information and equipment is housed. Your building is essentially the home of your bus… read more | digg […]

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The fire started about 11:10 PM… read more | digg story

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Fireproofing Drapes And Curtains. Why We Need To? Around the world today, one big problem that needs to be looked at is fireproofing. This is something that needs to be looked at and needs to be done, but too many people take it too lightly. Also, a lot of people do not take the time […]

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Fire Retardants If you have been talking about fireproofing things, then it is more than likely that you have heard the term fire retardants come up. So what is a fire retardant, and how can it help you prevent fires? Well, there are two ways that fire retardants work. However, before we get into that, […]

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